How is the Spanish stock market organized?

How is the Spanish stock market organized?

The crisis in many countries, which makes investors cautious to invest, thinking through every move. The alternative may be a capital infusion into the company which provides a small income but are stable. An example of such enterprises are companies which shares make up the stock market of Spain.

Spanish stock market: the essence of the stock exchange and its features

A major contribution to the development of the economy, along with business, is securities trading. This segment of the Spanish market began its history as early as 1246 when the king gave the order to create a house where various deals would be concluded and trade purchases made. Until the XIV century, such houses were opened in different cities of the country.
The stock market in Spain is a platform for trading securities, where income is formed from the difference in the cost of buying and selling. This type of activity provides an opportunity to streamline the capital flow of the investor in a particular business area and is designed for the long term.
The stock market is of interest to various companies and participants:
● companies – the purpose of which is to sell their shares to the public in order to receive the necessary cash injections;
● investors who are focused on earning income through dividends or as a percentage of the contribution to the bonds;
● the state that is interested in the receipt of funds for the development of various social programs and the repayment of existing expenses.

Equity markets are engaged in organizing the process of buying and selling securities. Here there is a set of various tools for analyzing the feasibility of investing one or another business segment.
The largest stock exchange in Spain is Bolsa de Madrid, located in Madrid. Regional sites in Barcelona, Valencia, and Bilbao are regional. In Madrid, there is also a market focused on operations with Latin American securities. All exchanges belong to the single concern Bolsa y MercadosEspanoles.
Spanish stock market has the right to trade assets:
● owned by the state;
● individuals;
● legal entities.
The site conducts operations with papers issued in the country.
To become a bidder, you must register in the National Register. After that, you can monitor the conduct of operations with assets in the domestic and global markets.
An indicator of the development of a participating company is their financial statements that they submit to the stock exchange.
The requirement to bidders: the minimum capital should be € 1,200,000, but provided that it does not hold more than 25% of this amount in the hands of shareholders.
For convenience, trading is carried out through the ECN electronic system, where all assets are represented and buyers are registered.